Join us for traditional High Holiday Services blended with contemporary messages and insights in a warm and welcoming environment. Enjoy a Four Course Festive Meal complete with Round Challah and the Apple ‘N’ Honey. Hear the Shofar at one of our express Rosh Hashanah services on campus!
During the High Holidays the Gates to Heaven are always open. So are ours. Join us for traditional High Holiday Services blended with contemporary messages and insights in a warm and welcoming environment.
Sukkot is always special at Chabad with a beautiful Sukkah that hosts Holiday meals, late nite parties and more. Chabad also brings the spirit of the holiday to Rice University with the famous Pedi Sukkah Mobile that visits locations on and off campus.
Simchat Torah at Chabad is lots of fun! We join together with the local community at Aishel House and dance the night away. There's always a lot of good food and energy in the air as we celebrate the completion of the entire Torah.
Chabad sponsors a huge Menorah lighting ceremony replete with holiday treats and entertainment. Before Chanukah begins, Chabad goes into high gear with the “#ChanukahChallenge” campaign making kits with menorahs, candles and the appropriate blessings available to any Jewish student who wants them.
The Purim season kicks off with the Hamantash bake with 10 filings to choose from! Megillah readings and parties happen both on campus and at Chabad. We make sure every Jewish student and gets their own Mishloach Manot package!
Besides hosting large seders, Chabad provides Passover dinner for anyone that signs up. We also have the Passover pantry event a few days before Passover, giving the students time to stock up on their favorite Passover food. We don't want anyone starving under our watch!