We really appreciate the time you are taking to RSVP--this helps us prepare!Feel free to fill out the Yom Kippur info closer to the date.Tell your Jewish friends and bring them along!See you soon! Full Name* First Name Last Name Phone Number* Area Code Phone Number E-mail* I would like to receive news and updates by email What University Do You Attend?* Graduating Year* R.H. Services & Dinners I plan to attend Times Listed Above (Outdoors) Rosh Hashana Eve (Oct. 2))Rosh Hashana 1st Day (Oct. 3Tashlich (Oct. 3)Rosh Hashana 2nd Night (Oct. 3)Rosh Hashana 2nd Day (Oct. 4) Shofar Blowing outside Brochstein 4pm Thursday, Oct. 35pm Thursday, Oct. 36pm Thursday, Oct. 34pm Friday, Oct. 45pm Friday, Oct. 46pm Friday, Oct. 4 Late Shofar Blowing at Chabad 6:50pm Thursday, Oct. 36:50pm Friday, Oct.4 Yom Kippur Services I plan to attend Times Listed Above Kol Nidrei ServiceMorning ServicesYizkor ServiceAfternoon ServiceNeilah ServiceBreakfast Please note that all High Holiday Evening Services and meals will be held as usual at Chabad at Rice 1950 Dryden Rd.However, the daytime services will be held at the Aishel House (right next door to Chabad at Rice): 1955 University Blvd, Houston, TX 77030 Submit >>> Like all programs at Chabad, the High Holiday dinners are free of charge.This program is only made possible by donations from friends, parents, alumni and students.If you are able and would like to help, please consider partnering with us today! Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.