Chabad brings you world class scholars and speakers on topics of diverse interests. Some are funny, some are serious, all are mind expanding and make for an extra special Shabbat experience.

Think you go to enough classes and lectures? Think again. The most important lessons in college are gleaned outside the classroom. These guest scholars are sure to make a real difference in your life. 

Look out for guest scholars who will be visiting this semester!

Some of the scholars who have come in the past:

Dr. Moshe Vardi
Dr. Vardi is the Karen Ostrum George Distinguished Professor in Computational Engineering at Rice University. He is also the director of the Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology.

Dr. Paula Sanders
Dr. Sanders is the former vice provost of academic affairs and history professor at Rice. She is a specialist in history of medieval lands of Islam and Cairo Geniza. She is an affiliate of the Jewish Studies Program.

Rebbetzin Rivky Slonim
A self-described “Chassidic Feminist” and author, she lectures internationally on the intersection of Jewish observance and contemporary life with a special focus on Jewish women.

Dr. Tom Imbo
An ex­pert in Quan­tum Physics, Dr. Imbo be­came fas­ci­nated with the par­al­lels of his field to the He­brew Bible or Torah and con­verted to Ju­daism in 2017. He speaks on the sub­ject of his life’s jour­ney, the na­ture and ori­gin of time in Physics and Torah, and the na­ture and logic of ex­is­tence in physics and kab­balah, the an­cient Jew­ish tra­di­tion of mys­ti­cal in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the Bible.

Dr. Binyamin Abrams
Dr. Binyomin Abrams is a senior Professor of Chemical Education and Theoretical Physical Chemistry at Boston University, and recipient of the 2015 Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching. His pursuit of Judaism began while working on his doctorate in Physical Chemistry at New York University. Dr. Abrams lectures extensively on the interplay of science and Judaism.

Dr. Jacob Eisenbach
Dr. Jacob Eisenbach

Mr. George Abraham
Mr. Abraham’s astonishing story of Holocaust survival serves as a powerful message in our timely battle against anti-semitism, bigotry and hate.

Dr. Harvey Yunis
Professor of Classical Studies at Rice

Dr. Philip Ernst
Philip Ernst is an Associate Professor with tenure at Rice University. Ernst earned his Ph.D. in statistics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 2014, and joined the Rice faculty that same year.  He is an associate editor for Mathematics of Operations Research, an associate editor for Statistics and Probability Letters, an associate editor for Stochastics, and an editor for Journal of Stochastic Analysis.

Dr. Gisela Heffes & Dr. Ken Loiselle
Dr. Gisela Heffes & Dr. Ken Loiselle

Rabbi Dov Greenberg
Rabbi Greenberg is the executive director of Chabad at Stanford University. His essays on contemporary issues appear regularly in print and online.