Need a Seder? Want to keep Kosher for Passover?
We are happy to provide a variety of options to serve the needs of our community for Passover:
1. Passover Pantry
Monday, April 7, 11:45-1:15 PM, Miner Lounge in the RMC
No need to starve all Passover! Get all your favorite snacks and staples for FREE!
RSVP below or text 'pantry' to 713.766.6086
2. Passover Seder
Saturday, April 12, 8:30 PM
Celebrate our people's freedom from Egypt in a friendly home-like environment with fellow students.
RSVP below or text 'seder' to 713.766.6086
3. Passover Meal Plan
April 14-17, 5:30-6:30
Don't live on macaroons all week! Sign up for fresh, home-cooked dinners!
RSVP required.
All of our offerings are subsidized thanks to generous donors.