

  • Seders & Meal Plan

  • Need a Seder? Want to keep Kosher for Passover?

    We are happy to provide a variety of options to serve the needs of our community for Passover: 

    1. Passover Pantry
    Monday, April 7, 11:45-1:15 PM, Miner Lounge in the RMC

    No need to starve all Passover! Get all your favorite snacks and staples for FREE!
    RSVP below or text 'pantry' to 713.766.6086 

    2. Passover Seder
    Saturday, April 12, 8:30 PM

    Celebrate our people's freedom from Egypt in a friendly home-like environment with fellow students.
    RSVP below or text 'seder' to 713.766.6086 

    3. Passover Meal Plan
    April 14-17, 5:30-6:30

    Don't live on macaroons all week! Sign up for fresh, home-cooked dinners!
    RSVP required.

    All of our offerings are subsidized thanks to generous donors.

  • >>> Like all programs at Chabad, these events and meals are free of charge. This program is only made possible by donations from friends, parents, alumni and students.

    If you are able and would like to help, please consider partnering with us today. 

    Follow this link to participate

  • COOL OPPORTUNITY>>>>>>>>>> Sell your Chametz! Since it is prohibited to possess chametz on Passover, any chametz belonging to you must be sold.  It will be 'returned' the evening after Passover ends, and there is no need to do anything with it for the sale. For more info and to sell your Chametz now online in just 90 seconds, go to:

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